During a 1937 attempt to island-hop across the Pacific along the Equator, famed American pilot Amelia Earhart (and the her navigator Fred Noonan) ran out of fuel, crashed and died. It's what happens when airplanes run out of fuel, but not good enough for conspiracy buffs who have, over the years, come up with about a dozen theories as the what 'really' happened.
One of these has the Japanese capturing Earhart and imprisoning her in China where she was liberated in 1945. On return to the US she assumed a new identity as a New Jersey housewife, Irene Craigmile Bolam. (Don't ask why, bear with me...)
Of all the absurd postulations about Earhart's fate, this is the most bizarre -- but it spawned two books and innumerable articles. In casually researching this -- initially I wasn't all that interested -- I stumbled across an excellent essay on the topic by Alex Mandel and posted to Wikisource: Amelia Earhart's Survival and Repatriation: Myth or Reality?
Highly recommended. Read it here.